Course Description

We live in an age of self-writing. Facebook and twitter facilitate and encourage self-expression, blogging is as common as reading blogs, the book clubs love memoirs, and ever since the 1980s the scholarly debate around autobiographical writing has been flourishing. This seminar will address life narratives, examining questions of history (how did life writing emerge?) and genre such as the diary, graphic memoir, autobiography etc. We will also deal with postmodern critiques of verisimilitude and the vexed question of fictional vs. factual narratives, and asses to what extent autobiographical narration is inflected by class, race, gender, and sexuality. - Course Description

This blog serves as a reading journal accompanying the Haupt/Masterseminar "Life Narratives" at the Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg

Samstag, 12. November 2016

José van Dijk – Writing the Self

Reading Journal - Session 4 - 15/11/2016

José van Dijk – Writing the Self

·         diary usually characterized as a (hand)written document that chronicles the experiences, observations, and reflections of a single person at the moment of inscription
·         record of a single person constructing an autobiographical account
·         involves both reflection and expression, but is also a hybrid act of remembrance and communication
·         digital equivalent: lifelog, multimedia online experiment, often linked with others to form lifelog-communities
·         diary writing and blogging ambiguous acts concerning privacy and publicness
·         instruments of self-formation and vehicles of connections
·         tools to record and update the past , simultaneously steering future memory and identity
·         also sociocultural practices
·         “contagious feelings”: feelings/memories  triggered by someone else’s experiences
·         diary used to strengthen Alzheimer’s patient’s sense of self, personal marker of cognitive abilities they will lose, ultimate tool to comprehend and preserve unique sense of self
·         word choice, punctuation, use of emojis replaces a person’s handwriting in presenting a person’s character
·         webblogs as goldmines for data diggers
·         publicy issues, no clear readership

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